Monday, September 17, 2012

In the Thick of it

No energy to write an essay this morning. We are in the thick of it. Public school for the first time in four years. First time football player from Ukraine. Three boys in soccer. One in LEGO First League. One playing legos. Fifteen students in my home studio. Hubby's taking classes for his doctorate at OU. Translating homework, expectations and emotions. Art commissions for Josh. Mission trip fund raising. Lack of sleep. Loads of prayer. Would appreciate being added to your prayer list. We knew this would not be easy. We were not stupid enough to think otherwise. Would love to be covered in prayer instead of looked at like a freak. Sometimes I think people don't know what to make of us, so they just ignore us altogether. Faith means stepping out on a path you're unsure of, trusting that God will provide. I've never once before in my life stepped out in faith like this. It is not easy and it would be lovely to know that we have a cheering section behind us. Successful moments for sure. Disheartening moments, too. Learning the meaning of the words, "His grace is sufficient." Getting beyond the drama of today and leaning on the hope of tomorrow.