Monday, August 29, 2011

They Like Me, They Really Like Me!!!

I feel like Sally Fields as I open my notice of favorable disposition concerning the application for advance processing of an orphan petition. It's not an oscar, but it may as well be. The government thinks we're suitable parents!!! Good thing, since we already have two children. Having just been fingerprinted last Tuesday, we were really shocked to get this so quickly. We had been told that it would be a few weeks. God must have pulled some strings here. ;) What does this mean? It means that as soon as we get our marriage license apostilled (on its way to Austin, TX as I type...with an overnight Fed Ex return envelope enclosed), we can send our dossier off to Ukraine. I can't wait! I may kiss the Fed Ex agent that helps us! At that point, it could be around a two month wait...but we're not limiting God keep those prayers coming!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

O Brother

Today we got a beautiful letter from a lady we do not know who met our boys this summer. She had wonderful things to say about them both and shared a collage of photos with us. Here's my favorite. Brothers being brothers. They're gonna fit right in.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Greeting and Salutations

Throughout my life, I have received many greetings. Hey! Hello! How are ya? Happy Birthday! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! But none have stirred my heart quite like this:

For the first time, Ruslan has referred to us as his family. It's funny how something so small can mean so much, but it does. When you give birth to a child, they have no choice but to call you their family. It's all they've ever known. But this is a new experience for us ALL. Nothing is a "given." We are honored that he would think of us as family. And we can't wait til he's home!

"Let's Start Talking" had a group visit the kids in Ukraine. The boys really enjoyed it. And they had some sort of pirate-themed party. Ruslan and Andrey sent Levi and Noah their pirate patches. The boys wore them proudly all afternoon and then hung them on their bulletin boards so they wouldn't lose their gift from their new big brothers.


In closing, Ruslan says, "I am glad that we'll be a family soon. I am looking forward to our meeting. God bless you for your love." We echo those sentiments! Right back atcha, kiddo! We long for the day when we can say, face to face, "Hello, family!"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Nest is Coming Along Nicely...

Here are a few pics of the boys rooms. I didn't upload a pic of Levi's side of the room because he hasn't picked it up today and it pretty much looks like Andrey's with different posters/wall hangings. We need to buy a school desk for Andrey still. And there's still some decorating to be done here and there. Still gotta work on clearing out closets. My goal was to get it mostly done before school started. We start tomorrow, so mission accomplished!

Andrey's Side of the Room:

Noah's Room:

Ruslan's Room:

Monday, August 8, 2011


“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14:1-4

This week, as we move beds around and put new beds together, this passage keeps coming back to me. It is because of the love of Jesus and our faith in His promise that we have made this decision to adopt. We already have two children and could have more if we wanted to. It's not about filling a need for us. We're being driven by love...perfect love.

Normally, like any couple I imagine, we fight when putting furniture together. Nuts and bolts are flying, directional skills are challenged and red-headed tempers flair! But this was different somehow. There was no irritation. We worked beautifully as a team. It caught us both by surprise. This verse kept singing over me. We were simply doing what Jesus is doing for us all...preparing a place for us as a show of good faith that there WILL be a home coming.

When I was pregnant with Levi and then with Noah, I did the same thing. I picked out colors and themes. I arranged furniture and pictures on the walls. Then and now, in the background was the fatherly, "do they really need that?" Then and now, I would explain, "I'm nesting! Let me nest!" They are not MY babies. They are not babies at all. And that makes me work a little harder on their "nests." Unlike a baby, they will be aware of the detail that went into their rooms. I want their rooms to say, "My new family wanted me. My new family prepared for me. My new family wanted me to feel at home here." And in the process, we are also working on Levi and Noah's quarters. I want them to feel a special place in "the nest", too.

I feel like God must understand how my heart feels. He had a "birth family", so to speak. And yet, he chose to adopt me through grace and bring me into His forever family. He's preparing a place for me now. I bet my room's a lot cooler than this:

The nest is not quite done. More pics to come later.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Life Moves On...

While we wait, life moves on- for us and for them. The boys have been at camp in Ivankiev (where we met them last summer). And now they are participating in church camp back in Mariupol. Meanwhile, Levi, Noah and I tagged along with Daddy on a business trip to Santa Fe. It was nice to get away- away from the heat of Oklahoma and away from the "what ifs" of adoption world. Just before we left, our facilitator told us that our home study was done being translated. We're just waiting for clearance from USCIS. So while we wait, why not enjoy a little vacation? The boys and I enjoyed the museums, art galleries, visits with old friends from Albuquerque and pool time every day...not to mention the amazing weather (never hotter than 82 degrees). On the second day there, I received an email from Nina that the boys are officially available for international adoption. That was a huge relief as we are acquainted with a family that went through the whole process only to find that the boy they were intending to adopt was not available. We had a little party right there in the hotel room! Noah said, "Then when can we go get them, Mom?" I explained that there was still more paperwork to complete. "But how long does it take Mom? Like three years or what?" Poor guy! If I think it's difficult to be patient, I can't imagine how hard it is for someone who thinks a 6 minute time-out is a long time! The next day, we received an email that Andrey had asked when we would be able to skype next. This was significant for me because Andrey is so quiet that we often wonder if he enjoys our visits. So, before we left to return to Oklahoma, we skyped with the boys in Ukraine. We told them about our trip and they told us about camp. Ruslan finally rapped for us! We'd all been looking forward to that. He was very good and I was just glad that he would share his gift with us in that kind of setting! I know that I would MUCH rather sing for thousands of people than sing to four people in a room staring at me. Levi decided to rap for Ruslan. It seemed to bring a smile to his face. We love these conversations as they are our only "real" interaction with the boys for now. I appreciate Tanya so much for taking her time to make this happen. I cannot imagine only having letters. But it kills us to say good-bye. It's difficult to lose them with the press of a touch-screen button. All the way home, Josh and I wondered aloud how our family will change...what will they think of us...what will we think of them...will it be simpler than these two thinkers imagine or more difficult than we could ever dream? When we got home, our fingerprint appointment notices were in the mail. August 23. We've been told by others that it's only another 2-3 weeks past this appointment that we should receive USCIS clearance. Once that happens, we'll be able to send off the dossier. From that point, it's around 2 months until we get our appointment in Ukraine. It's beginning to look like Christmas is a real possibility! OF COURSE IT IS!!! What am I saying? With God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!! I am praying constantly, His nagging daughter. And I know that if it is His will, we will have two more stockings to hang this year.