Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Update

It's Friday the 13th, but I'm not scared. Living with four boys, I've seen it all. Here we are, nearly six months into our new family, and I can say with confidence that the "we" we were is slowly disappearing. Noah used to hesitate when referring to his brothers as his brothers. Yesterday, it rolled off his tongue at the eye doctor. "My brother Andrey likes to play that game." It seemed so natural. So does the arguing. Levi and Andrey got into it last night because one of them said the other was playing "like a girl." The wii fell to the floor, alerting Mom and Dad. "I got this," Josh said as he slid off the bed and into the living room, casually. There used to be a lot of stress whenever an argument would begin because we all didn't know one another too well and we weren't sure what each others reactions would be. Now we are more comfortable to let down our guards and just figure it out. There were only three boys home for the evening as Ruslan was "out with the guys"...again. Having a teenager is new for this family. The first few times he went out I felt like I was holding my breath until he came back. Now it feels routine. I am forever grateful that we have a community who has embraced Ruslan. He is fitting in as I never imagined he could, so early into this adjustment. He finished summer school English and did very well, for a first American classroom experience with NO ESL support. Now, he's working out three mornings a week with the football team. He hopes to be the kicker and possibly a running back. In a week, he'll go on a trip with our youth group to Colorado to climb mountains. I think he may have climbed a bigger mountain than anyone on that trip just by making the decision to join our family. I am so very impressed with him. So very proud. Andrey is having a busy summer, as well. First, he attending a three day basketball clinic at the high school. He wasn't crazy about it, but it got him out of the house. Then, my parents paid for he and Levi to attend a week long soccer camp in Texas. They stayed with Grammy and Grandpa, where Andrey had the chance to get to know them better. Grandparents are such a blessing! After soccer camp, he had one day to rest and then it was off to Camp J.A.M. with Levi and many other kids from our church. He's never one to admit having a good time, but I think he did. He at least enjoyed swimming, which he begs to do every day. Then we took a trip to Texas where they were finally able to meet and get to know my brother Steve and his wife Sarah. I stood there watching Andrey interact with them and the dogs in amazement. Here was this kid who could hardly say hello when first he came to America. Now he is open enough to show his true personality on the first day of our visit. It brings tears to my eyes to know he's feeling that comfortable. Next week, he'll attend Chickasaw language camp with Josh and a few weeks later, he'll have another soccer camp here in Ada, at which Ruslan will be coaching. Levi and Noah have been busy as well with various camps and time with Grandparents. Mom and Dad keep busy getting them to and from all of these opportunities...and cleaning up the messes and typical sibling arguments in between. We have definitely had our moments this summer, as we are all still adjusting. I'm just happy to say that they are fewer and farther between, that we feel more equipped to deal with them now and that we are no longer allowing them to control our emotions. I am so grateful for the progress we have made. God is faithfully guiding us through this thing. That doesn't mean it's easy. We very much need your prayers and encouragement. Thank you to those of you who check on us regularly and include us in your prayers. You have no idea how much it means. We are forever grateful for your support.

1 comment:

  1. Just now reading this post, but I'm amazed at what He has done through you and Josh! It's so exciting to see a family forming in such an unexpecting way!
